This past week has been busy for us as we celebrated Christmas with my family, Mark's parents, and had our own family Christmas too! On Sunday, December 20, we went out to my parents house and celebrated with my parents and two brothers. It was a great day! Each of the kids got one gift from Grandma and Grandpa that they loved! Mark took out his model airplane and flew it around my parents property (120 acres). On his second flight we had a major mishap, he was flying the plane upside down too low and when he went to turn it back right side up he couldn't climb fast enough and ran the plane full speed into the barbed wire fence. :-( It was a very impressive wreck, the whole plane blew up into a bunch of little splinters of wood. Needless to say, the plane was beyond fixing. It was great to spend time as a family, even with the plane crash.
On Monday Elijah and Emmaline went out to Mark's parents house to spend a couple of nights. Then on Wednesday Mark's parents brought the kids back, had dinner with us and opened gifts for our Christmas celebration with them. I made the dinner and they brought dessert, a fabulous French Silk pie. Yum! Again, the kids had a great time! The weather was beautiful and snowy with icy roads so it was very festive!
On Christmas day we stayed home and celebrated with just us, it was sooo nice. This is the first year that we have been home and alone for Christmas since we got married. We slept in a bit (as much as you can with little ones), then opened our stockings. I wrapped the stocking gifts as well this year and the kids had a blast opening all the little things. :-) Then we had a special breakfast and after cleaning up the kitchen and dishes started our present opening. We take turns opening gifts one at a time, going from youngest to oldest, so our gift time lasts for quite awhile. The kids had so much fun! We spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with all the new gifts. It has been a great holiday season!