This week the kids and I went out to my mom's house in Hanover, CO to spend the day with her. It is about a 40 minute drive from our house. My parents live on a dirt road so we always say that "when we get to the bumpy road we are almost there!" We had a great time! It was so nice to see my mom and catch up on all the news. :-) My mom made us tea, pumpkin bread, and spice cookies when we first got there, then later on we had potato soup for lunch. Yum! It was the perfect day for tea, cold (about mid 40's) and windy. The kids are so comfortable at my folks house, they know exactly what they can do, where their toys are, etc. And they LOVE to have tea anytime they can! We stayed all day and got home just in time to make dinner for Mark. It was a really fun day!