Yesterday I hosted my Annual Fall Friendship Tea. The kids and I spent most of the week getting ready for it (cleaning and cooking). We served scones with lemon curd and clotted cream, pumpkin bread, grapes, deviled eggs, spice cake with cream cheese frosting and soft spice cookies. It went really well, and was so much fun! A lot of the people that come every year are ones that I don't see very often so its great to be able to catch up on all the news! This year I had the ladies in the kitchen/dining area and I asked Mark to "serve" the kids table which was in the family room downstairs. (In the picture of the kids table the little girl on the far right is my daughter Emmaline). We ended up having 7 ladies, 2 men (Mark and his brother) and 11 children! So, the men had their hands full! I don't like to ask any mother to leave her children at home so I have for the past several years had a tea for the kids at the same time. (In our house the policy is, if the kids aren't welcome then I don't come either). It worked SO much better to have someone else to take care of the kids table though, so I could enjoy the tea with the ladies! Mark is off on Friday's anyway so it was a perfect setup and he did a great job! Mark even needed me to brew up a second pot for the kids! :-)