Are you ready for lots of pictures? Yes? Okay, here they are!
We started out the birthday with breakfast, donuts and milk, Yum! Despite the look on his face Josiah did enjoy them...

Josiah got dressed as quickly as possible, then sat in the living room waiting for us to finish up the dishes so he could open his GIFTS from us. He was more than somewhat excited. :-)This is just what I wanted...
Then came . . . Party time!!! Here is a picture of his cake. I made it. It was supposed to be a fighter jet but somehow when I put it together it looked more like a regualar plane so I just went with it. It was one of my easier cakes to make, only requiring about an hour and a half. It helped that I wasn't picky at all this time, who cares if the frosting isn't smooth?!?
And then the fun part, blowing out the candles and EATING!
Then came more gifts... for those of you wondering, we like to give the gifts from us before the birthday party. That way the kids have a chance to enjoy them before everyone else comes over.
Perhaps you sense a common theme in Josiah's presents? Needless to say, Josiah LOVES airplanes!
Overall it was one of our best parties, not too crazy, not too many people, simple, and nobody got hurt! It's the little things that make life grand... :-)
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