I was feeling a bit discouraged last night when I was planning out my week, kids school, and menu. I was feeling like it takes me sooo long to get anything done and comparing my accomplishments to others and coming up lacking… So, I decided to time myself to see how long it actually took me to do my planning. Here’s a breakdown of how the evening laid out:
6:10 – Home from visiting friends for lunch and fellowship. Unloaded the car, cleaned out all the trash from the car, nursed the baby, fed the baby, changed the toddlers diaper
6:54 – Got a cup of tea and sat down with my household planner to start the weekly prep…
6:56 – Went to investigate crying child and discovered they wanted to change their clothes and couldn’t unbutton their shirt, helped them unbutton their shirt and change into clean clothes
7:04 – Sat back down to plan…
7:06 – Up to check on crying baby, soothed baby and laid him down in crib for a nap
7:09 – Back to planning…
7:20 – Child comes in with bloody nose, help them clean up their nose and face and change clothes
7:23 – Back to planning…
7:24- “Mom, can you help me put on shoes?” Sigh, help child put on and tie shoes
7:26 – Back to planning…
7:30 – Kids ask for snack, stop to get everyone apple slices and tie another kids shoes
7:32 - Back to planning…
7: 45 – Complete Meal Plan and Weekly To Do plan! On to school planning…
7:50 – Break up kids fight, take care of crying baby, help kids get jammies on, brush teeth, turn down sheets, read bedtime stories (1 each), tuck in bed, nurse baby, change baby into jammies and put to bed
8:36 – Back to school planning…
9:15 – Done with school planning!
Total time: 3 hours and 5 minutes
Total time spent Planning: 1 hour and 12 min
Whew! No wonder I feel like it takes me forever to get things done! What an eye opening experiment! And this was only a 3 hour time window!
Anyhow, I thought you all might get a kick out of this, now we’ll move on to our menu for the week. Since I was so busy I only planned main dishes this week. I’ll wing it with the sides.
* Chilli, Cornbread
* Baked Chicken
* Chicken Salad Sandwiches
* Thursday Night Soup
* Pizza
* Homemade mac n’ cheese
* Tea, Scones, Snacky dinner
How about you all, how do your attempts to accomplish things go? Better than me? :-)
You may have felt that it was overwhelming, but I am so impressed you got all that accomplished even with all those interuptions. I only have two littles and I feel like it's impossible to get things accomplished when they're not asleep. :o) You are amazing and I only hope to be as organized and on top of things as you are one day. :o)
Thanks Jes! I think you are an amazing mom!
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