Hi all! Sorry for the long break between posts, we’ve been enjoying a much needed break from everything in life. We finished up school, completed the Awana year and are just about done with ballet lessons for Emmy.
Here are some pictures from the Awana awards ceremony:
Thank you all for your patience! After much prayer and thought I have decided to take the summer off from my blog to spend time with my kids. The time is so short before they are grown and I want to enjoy every moment I can! I will continue to pray about what direction to take this blog and will keep you all posted as decisions are made. As time and inclination allows I may post occasionally this summer, so feel free to stop by and see if anything new has popped up!
Here are some pictures of our summer fun so far!
For those of you following my project 365, I hope to finish, but of course it is dependent on what my decision is regarding the direction of the blog. Regardless, I won’t be doing any more with it for the summer.
Enjoy your summer everyone!!! See you later!
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