Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dryer Woes...

Our dryer died 2 weeks ago.  It has been interesting, to say the least, trying to keep up with the mountains of laundry in our house!  My children must be quite messy/dirty because we have between 15 and 20 loads of laundry a week normally!  (This includes around 3-4 loads of sheets and towels.)  I also use cloth diapers, and the total doesn't include those loads.  However, since the dryer broke I have been using only disposables because I can't keep up with all the laundry that needs to be done.  There was one day where Jeremiah had no clean pants at all left to wear, so he just wore a diaper and shirt!  Thank goodness it was warm that day!!! 

This past weekend my Dad came over and put up a clothesline for me and it has been sooo nice to have!  I was able to get a few loads done, and they dryed so much faster outside than in the house! 

The past few days have been cold and wet so I haven't been able to use it but I'm looking forward to using it today since the weather is warming up again.  We won't be buying a dryer until we can find a good deal on craiglist or at goodwill, but we are not able to spend more than $100, so it could be a long wait.  Now that I have the clothesline though it shouldn't be too much of an issue, it is such a blessing to have some way to dry the clothes!  :-) 

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