Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pantry Challenge, week 3

*Sorry to be posting this a day late.  Had a busy day yesterday and didn't get this done on time.*

This week I spent $20 on milk, fruit, and vegies.  I'm still within my budget, the total for the month now comes to $253.  However, I might not make it because my hubbies birthday is this week and he has asked for pizza, not homemade but bought from a pizza place.  Between that and fresh stuff we might go over a little.  Guess we'll see.  Still, right around $300 for food for a family of 7 is nothing to sneeze at!

Here is my menu for this week:

Breakfast - Bagels with cream cheese, grapefruit, and scrambled eggs.
Lunch - Leftovers.
Dinner - Taco salad and fruit/vegies. 

This is the birthday day (that doesn't sound quite right but you get the idea :-)).  In our house the birthday person gets to pick what they want for meals.
Breakfast - French toast with syrup and powdered sugar, bacon, and pineapple orange juice.
Lunch - Hot Dogs with all the toppings, baked beans, BBQ chips and soda.
Dinner - Pizza from a local place called Louie's, my husbands favorite. 

Breakfast - Coffeecake
Lunch - Leftovers (Smorgasbord!)
Dinner - Soup, Fruit, Vegies. 

Breakfast - Cold Cereal.  We always have cold cereal on Sundays, we leave early for church and cooking something has proved to be completely impossible.
Lunch -  Hamburgers with leftovers from the birthday (chips, beans)
Dinner - High Tea!  Yum!

Breakfast - Cold Cereal
Lunch - More leftovers
Dinner -Chicken Ritz Casserole and vegies (this casserole was made ahead some time ago and frozen.  I always forget to use up meals that I make ahead and put in the freezer.  This one Needs to be eaten, it's been in the freezer for quite awhile...).

Breakfast -Hot Cereal.  We will choose between oatmeal, baked oatmeal, cream of wheat, polenta, or rice with milk, fruit and sugar.
Lunch - PBJ, fruit and/or vegies
Dinner - Nothing planned for this meal.  Usually by this time in the month I have enough leftovers that I can make something from them.  So, I will decide when it gets closer but it will probably end up being a stir fry of some sort.

Breakfast - Cold Cereal
Lunch - Sandwiches
Dinner - Soft shelled Tacos.

We don't snack much, mostly on fruit and vegies.  I stock up on them whenever it's on sale, usually we have apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, and celery on hand.

We go through around 4 gallons of milk a week here, roughly $8 when it's on sale.  I will buy as much as can fit in my fridge when it's on sale, it usually lasts till the next sale.  I purchase soda on sale and keep it on hand for Mark on Friday nights, otherwise we don't drink it.  (Notice I keep it on hand for Mark, not the rest of the family)  We have juice with breakfast on the weekends ($2) and water the rest of the week.  Water with lunch and with dinner, except occasionally when I make iced tea (.20 a batch).

If you missed my first posts in this series, you can find week 1 here and week 2 here.

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