Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Visiting with Great Grandma

This past month my husband's Grandma has been visiting.  We were wonderfully blessed in that we were able to see her quite a bit!  Elijah was able to go camping with most of Mark's family on Mother's Day weekend, and to spend some time getting to know her there.  He had a blast!

The next thing we did with her was have tea at my Mother-in-law's house!  Yum!!! It was such a special time for the kids to see their great grandma!  Mark had to work so it was just me and the kids.  My kids are a bit shy so it took awhile for them to warm up to her, but once they did they stayed right by her!  :-)

The next time we got together was a bit different in that it was just me, my mother-in-law, and great grandma.  We went out for a tea/brunch, then spent the morning window shopping.  Mark watched the kids for me, it was such a nice break!

Our final get together was at my in-laws house for Memorial Day, a celebration/goodbye time all in one.  By this visit the kids had warmed up to Great Grandma enough that Emmaline wouldn't leave her side but just sat and talked her ear off!

It was a very special time and I'm so glad the kids had a chance to spend this time with their Great Grandma!!!

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