Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So, for the entire 8 1/2 years of our marriage I have had essentially the same haircut.  Periodically I've had Mark trim my hair but I have not been to get it cut professionally since getting married.  This past weekend that all changed.  My hair was driving me crazy so I broke down and went and got it cut!  Here's the "before"shot:

And here's the after, with side bangs, layering and about 6"shorter:

Since I hadn't had my hair cut in so long I thought I wasn't supposed to style it before going.  Probably not the smartest thing I ever did as the stylist then assumed that it looked like this always (it doesn't).  I have to admit, I don't really care for my new style.  It looks dreadful in these pictures (both before and after) thanks to NO styling at all.  I had forgotten a very important characteristic of my hair, namely, when short it becomes very, very wavy/curly/unmanageable.  Hope I can get the hang of styling this so I don't look like I have a birds nest on top of my head all the time! 

Oh, and on top of all that, not a single person even noticed that it was cut!  Do I really always look so bad?!?  If I ever figure out how to style it I will post a picture of it but more than likely it will just be grown out again...

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