Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Project Update

For those of you wondering how our projects are going I thought I would post a quick update.  Any projects in our house take a LONG time to complete and this time around is not different.  Especially since I'm pregnant, things just don't get done.  Sigh...  Anyhow,  here is how our family room is looking right now. 

You might remember that I was planning to paint it and turn it into a school/play room?  Well, that is still the plan, we just haven't made much progress.  We did get rid of our couch (it was so old and worn out we had to pay the trash company $30 to haul it off!), and sold our old entertainment center.  So, it's looking a bit empty furniture wise.  But we more than make up for it with toys! ;-)  We are hoping to do the painting in the next month or so.  Then will come the fun part, rearranging, decorating and settling back in!

As for our other projects, well, they are progressing even slower.  We bought all the wood to redo the railings in our house.  Here it is sitting in our garage. 

As incredible as it seems this small pile is a little over $300 worth of wood!  Ouch!  It all has to be stained, which I shouldn't do, so it has to wait for Mark to have time.  

The hallway upstairs still needs to be painted.  I keep hoping for a day when I will have the energy to tackle it but so far that hasn't happened.  (I know, I know.  I probably shouldn't paint either...) With my track record it might be another few years!

So, that's about it for our projects!

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