Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I CAN make breakfast!

As you might remember from my posts about our menus, I have always said that I CAN'T make breakfast.  Well, I have to admit, this is not entirely true.  I CAN make breakfast, I just struggle with it.

A lot.

In the past two months we have been struggling with finances (so what else is new?!?), enough so that we have only been able to pay ourselves enough to cover bills, gas, and minimal groceries.  (Good thing I'm good at budgeting and planning ahead for expenses, but that's a subject for another time.)  Anyhow, cold cereal was simply NOT an option for February or March.  So, I have had to make breakfast.  Good thing we are self employed since the first week or so it was nearly 9 a.m. before I could get breakfast around!  I'm getting better now, and can have it around by 8.  Mark likes to leave for work between 8:20 and 8:30, so this just gives him time to eat.  In the past month I've made for breakfast (some multiple times):

Baked Oatmeal
Maple Polenta
Cornmeal Mush (no, not the same as polenta, similar, but not the same)
Grits, Toast, and Bacon
Cream of Wheat
Rice with milk, raisins and sugar
Toast and Juice
French Toast
Scrambled Eggs and Toast
Fried Eggs and Toast
Bagels and Cream Cheese
English Muffin Melts (tried this recipe from Pioneer Woman blog, it was not good, don't try it, you will be disappointed!)
Biscuits and Egg Gravy
Peach Cobbler
French Breakfast Puffs
Doughnuts (this was our one special treat, store bought!)

It's been nice to have so much variety!  We have mostly been eating from our pantry, I've only bought perishable things like fruit, vegies, and dairy products. I'm so glad I had a full pantry to eat from!

I guess the lesson that can be learned from this is, never say you CAN'T do something, because that thing will probably happen!

1 comment:

Gabe said...

Good job on making all of those breakfasts. You've got some great meals there. My family gets very little variety...Baked oatmeal most week-days, pancakes on Saturday, coffee cake on Sunday...I'm boring. Great job "shopping" from your pantry too.

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