Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kitchen Project–One Lower Cabinet Started!


This past weekend I took some time to start sorting one of the lower kitchen cabinets.  I’ve been working right along on the upper cabinets, switching things up with relative ease, but I’ve been putting off the lower cabinets because they are such a mess… But, I decided to take the plunge and get started.  This is going to be my cooking center/sink center overflow area, that’s the goal anyway!


The first thing I did was haul everything out of the cabinet, sorting as I went into two piles:

1. Things I use all the time (every week or more often)

2. Things I use rarely.  These items were going to be moved to my kitchen overflow section in the crawlspace.

I had just a few things to get rid of, I added those to our overflowing pile of donations/garage sale stuff in the garage.

I was AMAZED at how much stuff was in this cabinet and how dirty it had gotten!  I can’t believe how much I had shoved in there!   Our often used items pile was pretty small: electric skillet, battery charger, toaster, blender, crockpot, pitchers, olive oil, and cooking spray.  They fit back into the cabinet with plenty of room to spare!


And our rarely used pile, things I still use but only a few times a year: stockpot, electric knife, tea tray, crystal serving bowl, cake stand, and a few corningware pans.  (Obviously the baby toys didn’t come out of the cabinets, ha!)


I’m still tweaking it up, but I’ll post before and after pics later, when the kitchen is done.  Something to look forward to!  :-)

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